A Message from JLW’s President on Tossed & Found 2021

It with a heavy heart, that the JLW Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Tossed & Found in-person sale due to the circumstances and safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

This decision was not made lightly. For several months, the leaders of the Tossed & Found Committee and the entire Ways & Means Council worked tirelessly to consider every single possible option to persevere with an in-person event of some form. We are so grateful to these leaders for their hard work and dedication to the league and our shared mission.

While the Board of Directors had confidence in how the Committee would execute the event to keep volunteers, members, and our community safe, it was the far too many external variables that we could not control that led us to this difficult decision.

In a league year with such unprecedented circumstances, I am humbled by the drive, determination, creativity, and heart that each and every one of you have offered our beloved organization. Decisions like these are not easy, however, in the interest of our community, we believe it is the right one for us right now, and it is with this information that we must make this decision.

In the coming weeks, we will be following up with more information regarding the quota requirement and requests for support. While we may not have an in-person shopping event, there will be a reimagined Tossed & Found of some kind and the Committee and Council are working creatively to determine the best path forward. I hope you’ll join me in supporting them.

Our organization has much to look forward to in the coming months and in the next year as the fog lifts and life returns to some sort of normalcy. Next year, during our 109th year, JLW will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Tossed and Found. It is certain to be an event worthy of marking in your calendars now as we plan to have a big celebration. I look forward to seeing how we will Give, Gain, and Grow in new and creative ways.

From the bottom of my heart and the entire Board of Directors, thank you for continuing to cherish our beloved organization and serving our Washington, D.C. community together.

If you have any questions or comments about this decision, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].

In Service,

Jessica Taylor White
JLW President