JLW Community Roundtables

Each year, the Junior League of Washington (JLW) hosts a series of community roundtables, convening thought-leaders and stakeholders in the nonprofit, civic, and commercial community to discuss new and innovative ways to address the area’s most urgent needs. JLW began offering Community Roundtables geared towards helping community non-profits enhance their programming, better serve their constituents, and empower their organizations to improve the community. JLW was proud to host a roundtable in November 2023 that focused on supporting new pathways to opportunity. In this session, leaders from local nonprofit organizations offered valuable feedback to JLW on how we can better serve our community, how we can work together to make a bigger community impact, and explore opportunities for new partnerships. JLW also presented the key elements of a strong volunteer program and why volunteers are crucial to nonprofits.  

Stay tuned for information on future community roundtables. If you have suggestions for future roundtable topics or any questions related to our community roundtables, please feel free to reach out to roundtables@jlw.org.