
The Junior League of Washington proudly offers advertising in our annual magazine, 3039M.

3039M is a full-color, professionally designed publication published each year and distributed to more than 2,300 members of the Junior League of Washington, as well as corporations, area businesses and nonprofits, community leaders, and more. With beautiful photography, exceptional writing, and professional graphic design, 3039M is an outstanding magazine with an extended shelf life.

Our advertisers gain visibility with a highly desirable demographic with considerable buying power as leaders in our communities, professions, and homes. Click here to learn more about our membership, and how your brand fits in with our members.

3039M offers extremely competitive rates to reach this audience. Quarter page ads begin at only $150, and one-eighth page ads begin at $100. We offer discounted rates to nonprofits, community partners, and League members. Best of all, your purchase supports the mission of the Junior League of Washington – helping us to improve the Washington, DC, community through the service of our trained volunteers and to provide direct dollars to area nonprofits through our grants program. To learn more about advertising in 3039M, click here.

To place an ad or with any questions, please contact [email protected].